Monday, September 8, 2008

Fall of a legend (Columbus Picture)

Now this picture is one that most students definitely don’t see every day. Instead of being portrayed in rich furs and dazzling jewelry as per usual, this image of Christopher Columbus is downright degrading. He is shown being herded off the boat in chains like livestock, his hair is matted, his beard is unkempt, and his clothes are simply filthy. He has lost his signature grace and prideful stance, adopting here a look of self pity and forced humility. His downcast eyes may indicate shame or humiliation, most likely caused by approaching his fellow countrymen as a disgraced prisoner. Columbus is obviously old and frail looking, yet is chained to his brothers by the neck as if a prospective runaway. This may have been done only to inflict further mortification on the once great conqueror, and if the defeated and downtrodden stance of Columbus is any indication, it had its desired effect. I’m not entirely sure if the artist’s intent was to enforce our admiration of the man or to dispute it, but both outcomes seem to be equally powerful.

P.S. Yeah, it would really help out if someone could tell me how the heck I'm suppose to keep this this double spaced.


mbrown8625 said...

Hi Deje, when I copy and paste it back into word, I see the spacing. Keep doing what you're doing. see comments 30 and 31

Sidney Bridges said...

woooooooooooow. really explanatory. never would have saw all of that!